The ISM Code is compulsory international legislation applying to all commercial vessels including charter yachts of over 500 gross registered tonnes. The code requires every vessel to have a Safety Management System (SMS). The purpose of an SMS is to ensure that conditions and activities, both ashore and afloat, concerning safety and environmental protection, are planned and executed in accordance with the legislative requirements.
An integral part of the requirements is to have a qualified shore-based manager who is responsible for the design, implementation and audit of an approved SMS. The provision of a “Designated Person” ashore is also required to co-ordinate emergency responses in the event of an incident.
Pelagos Yachts has designed an approved ISM system and is able to provide SMS services to clients whose vessels fall within the requirements. Pelagos Yachts, as a qualified team, is available to provide the “Designated Person” required by the legislation.